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发布者:ggxy    发表时间:2024-03-11

崔  博


崔博,博士,研究员,现为军事科学院军事医学研究院环境医学与作业医学研究所作业医学研究室主任。现兼任科技部、天津市科技专家库成员,国家自然科学基金通讯评委,中华预防医学会劳动卫生与职业病分会委员,天津预防医学会劳动卫生与职业病分会副主任委员,天津市声学会副理事长,Brain Behav Immun,Physiol Behav, Int J Exp Pathol, Diabetes Obes Metab, Neuroscience, Environ Int等知名刊物审稿专家。主持承担国家及天津市自然科学基金、全军重点项目等课题10余项,经费600余万元。发表论文60余篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文24篇(总影响因子119,单篇最高15.1);获授权国家专利等各类知识产权11项,参编出版专著3部;目前带教研究生10人。联系邮箱:iamcuib@sina.com, tjcuibo@126.com




1、长期噪声暴露与典型内环境风险因子协同对AD的促发效应及其启动机制研究(81673136, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,第一,2017.01-2020.1265万元。

2、长期噪声暴露对阿尔茨海默病的促发效应及其启动机制研究, 天津市自然科学基金重点项目(17JCZDJC34900),2017.04-2020.03,第一,20万元。

3XXX(保密课题),中央军委后勤保障部, 2021.06-2026.05,第一,423万元。

4XXX(保密课题),中央军委科技委, 2019.06-2021.10,第一,300万元。

5XXX(保密课题),中央军委后勤保障部, 2020.01-2022.12,第一,50万元。


1Li Xiaofang , Fu Bo , Zhao Chunli, Hu Junjie, Zhang Xinyao, Fu Yiming, She Xiaojun, Gu Cui, Cheng Mengzhu, Wang Fenghan, Song Xiaoqiong, Dai Jie, Yin Jiayi, Fu Yu, Zheng Pengfang, Wu Fangshan, Zhu Yingwen, Ma Kefeng, Gao Xiujie, Wang Miao, Zeng Qiang, Cui Bo(通讯作者).. Early-life noise exposure causes cognitive impairment in a sex-dependent manner by disrupting homeostasis of the microbiota–gut–brain axis Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 114 (2023) 221239.

2.Chi Huimin, Cao Wa, Zhang Ming, Su Donghong, Yang Honglian, Li Zhe, Li Chao, She Xiaojun, Wang Kun, Gao Xiujie, Ma Kefeng, Zheng Pengfang, Li Xiaofang, Cui Bo(通讯作者). Environmental noise stress disturbs commensal microbiota homeostasis and induces oxi-inflammmation and AD-like neuropathology through epithelial barrier disruption in the EOAD mouse model. Journal of Neuroinflammation 2021, 18: 9.

3Cui Bo (通讯作者), Su Donghong, Li Wenlong, She Xiaojun, Zhang Ming, Wang Rui, Zhai Qingfeng. Effects of chronic noise exposure on the microbiome-gut-brain axis in senescence-accelerated prone mice: implications for Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuroinflammation,2018,15:190.

4Ma Kefeng, Zhang Anran, She Xiaojun, Yang Honglian, Wang Kun, Zhu Yingwen, Gao Xiujie, Cui Bo(共同通讯作者). Disruption of glutamate release and uptake-related protein expression after noise-induced synaptopathy in the cochlea.Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2021, 9: 720902.

5Chi Huimin, Zhai Qiingfeng, Zhang Ming, Su Donghong, Cao Wa, Li Wenlong, She Xiaojun , Yang Honglian, Wang Kun, Gao Xiujie, Ma Kefeng, Cui Bo(共同通讯作者), Qiu Yugang. APP/PS1 GeneEnvironment Noise Interaction Aggravates AD-like Neuropathology in Hippocampus Via Activation of the VDAC1 Positive Feedback Loop. Current Alzheimer Research, 2021, 18(1):14-24.

6Li Wenlong, Su Donghong, Zhai Qingfeng, Chi Huimin, She Xiaojun, Gao Xiujie,  Wang Kun, Yang Honglian, Wang Rui,Cui Bo(通讯作者) . Proteomes analysis reveals the involvement of autophagy in AD-like neuropathology induced by noise exposure and ApoE4. Environmental Research, 2019, 108537.

7Yang Honglian, Liu Huanliang, Zhang Wei, She Xiaojun, Gao Xiujie, Ma Kefeng, Wang Kun, Cui Bo(共同通讯作者), Fang Yanjun, Xi Zhuge. Thyroid-disrupting effects and mechanism of thiazole-Zn-induced thyroidcell hypertrophy and hyperplasia in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 196: 110544.

8Su Donghong , Li Wenlong , Chi Huimin , Yang Honglian, She Xiaojun, Wang Kun, Gao Xiujie, Ma Kefeng, Zhang Ming, Cui Bo(共同通讯作者). Transcriptome analysis of the hippocampus in environmental noise-exposed SAMP8 mice reveals regulatory pathways associated with Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2020, 25:3.

9Gai Zhihui, Su Donghong, Wang Yawen, Li Wenlong, Cui Bo(共同通讯作者), Li Kang, She Xiaojun Wang Rui. Effects of chronic noise on the corticotropin-releasing factor system in the rat hippocampus: relevance to Alzheimer’s disease-like tau hyperphosphorylation. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2017, 22:79.

9Cui Bo(第一/通讯作者), Zhu Lixing, She Xiaojun, Wu Mingquan, Ma Qiang, Wang Tianhui, Zhang Na, Xu Chuanxiang, Chen Xuewei, An Gaihong, Liu Hongtao. Chronic Noise Exposure Causes Persistence of Tau Hyperphosphorylation and Formation of NFT Tau in the Rat Hippocampus and Prefrontal Cortex. Experimental Neurology, 2012, 238:122-129.