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发布者:ggxy    发表时间:2022-03-23

刘 燕


刘燕,博士,教授,山东省泰山学者青年专家,现为济宁医学院精神医学研究院副院长、行为医学重点实验室副主任、循证医学中心主任。兼任中国康复医学会康复大数据专业委员会委员、山东省神经科学学会会员等。2018年、2022年获大学生优秀学士学位论文指导教师。主持、参与20余项国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、山东省中医药科技发展计划等项目,已发表中英文学术论文60余篇,代表性论著发表在PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINEDepress and Anxiety等心理学权威期刊。目前带教硕士研究生4名。邮箱:hakunaly@163.com





2、阿尔茨海默病生成中apelin/APJ系统的调控作用与干预机制研究(81971019),国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2020.01-2023.12,第2位,55万元。


1Debiao Liu, Baohua Li, Fengcheng Hao, Ning Liu, Zhonghua Su, Jin Zhu, Yunfeng Tang, Bin Wang, JianLi Wang, Yan Liu. The prevalence and incidence of major depressive disorder in 8079 Chinese university freshmen before and during COVID-19. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2022, 307: 62-68.

2Song Yue, Linlin Luo, Yutao Feng, DebiaoLiu, Fengting Wang, Rongbo Che, Jin Zhu, Ximing Duan, Yunfeng Tang, JianLiWang, Yan Liu. Gene-gene interaction and new onset of major depressive disorder: Findings from a nested case-control study in a sample of Chinese university freshmen. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2022, 300: 505-510.

3JianLi Wang, Debiao Liu, Guoliang Li, Jin Zhu, Song Yue, Xiang Li, Ying Li, Yili Wu, Bin Wang, Yan Liu. The impact of self-efficacy on first onset and prognosis of major depressive disorder: findings from a longitudinal study in a sample of Chinese first-year university students. Psychological Medicine, 2022, 52(1):178-183.

4、岳崧, 魏洪凯, 唐金蕾, 罗林林, 刘敏, 翟金国, 刘传新, 刘燕.大学生抑郁症复发相关的人格特质.中国心理卫生杂志, 2022, 36(5)404-410.

5Yan Liu, Baohua Li, Fengcheng Hao, Bin Wang, Jin Zhu, Debiao Liu, Jinguo Zhai, Min Chen, JianLi Wang. Associations between borderline personality disorder features and the risk of first onset major depressive disorder: Findings from a 2-year longitudinal study in a sample of first-year university students in China. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021, 295, 5-10.

6Yan Liu, Song Yue, Xiaoran Hu, Jin Zhu, Zifan Wu, JianLi Wang, Yili Wu. Associations between feelings/behaviors during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and depression/anxiety after lockdown in a sample of Chinese children and adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021, 284: 98-103.